Radio Silence

Over the last few months, things here at D4D™ have been pretty quiet. Mainly that’s been down to being madly busy, but also it’s fallen off my radar a bit.

So it’s been a tad “Radio Silence” here – even the upcoming Festering Season hasn’t made much of an impact this year. Commuting has taken a big chunk of my ‘non-work’ time, particularly where I’ve been working in London. Overall, my commuting miles since May ’til the end of this week comes to just over 19,000 miles,and that’s just for commuting. Yes, nineteen thousand miles. I must be barmy.

All told, it’s been an eventful year, what with one thing and another. Work changes (as above) took up a big part of those events, and kept me busy.

Writing in general took a back-seat, and D4D™ in particular. I wonder if it’s coming to the end of its life, to be honest – because I haven’t really missed writing here at all.

2012 is now just round the corner, and it’ll either be a time to re-start, or a time to give up.  And to be honest, I don’t yet know which option will win.

4 Comments on “Radio Silence”

  1. Z says:

    Well, we tentatively approached meeting a while ago, but it never happened. So please don’t lose touch yet. I know you’re busy, but we only live about 20 miles from each other and we’ve known each other a long time from here, so maybe it’s about time?

  2. Blue Witch says:

    I once did 28,000 miles in a year – when I was doing a practical MEd at the same time. But I was 26 and not erm, your age (I would have said congrats at the time but you had the comments closed), at the time.

    Hope you’re having a break over the FOTCR™ and that next year won’t be quite so hectic for you.

  3. Blue Witch says:

    Too much time in that last comment, sorry.

  4. Blue Witch says:

    It occurred to me earlier that while you do have other online forms that maybe take precedence these days, the fact that ex-s relatives and Irish car salesmen violated your space here might have had something to do with how you’re now left feeling about D4D?

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