Writing – Results
Posted: Thu 21 October, 2010 Filed under: Domestic, London Screenwriters Festival, Writing | Tags: #lsw, #lswf, London Screenwriters Festival 1 Comment »Earlier this week I submitted a script to the Short Script Competition at the London Screenwriter’s Festival. It was an idea I’d had that I thought worked pretty well, but it was hurried in the way it was written, as lots of other things all happened at about the same time.
Anyway, the results were given today, and I didn’t get anywhere. The odds were always going to be low, in fairness. As it turned out, there were 115 entries all told, and from the look of it my script wasn’t even in the top 25. I’m going to try and get a bit more feedback about where it went wrong, but we’ll just have to see.
As it is, I’m happy to have at least submitted the script. To me that was the important thing. I want to get more experienced at that, at writing, finishing, and submitting – that’s the way these things need to go.
The longer you keep it up the more chance there is that you will succeed. I think it takes quite a lot of guts just to enter your work into a competition. Good luck