It’s not about religion
Posted: Sat 14 August, 2010 Filed under: News, Security, Thoughts 8 Comments »In today’s news there’s been a big thing about Barack Obama defending the right to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site in New York.
The best bit of it all though was the quoted parts of the speech…
We must all recognise and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of lower Manhattan, Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground. But let me be clear, as a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practise their religion as anyone else in this country.”That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.”
He told the group of US Congressmen, government officials and foreign dignitaries that America’s tradition of religious tolerance distinguishes it from “our enemies”.
“Al-Qaeda’s cause is not Islam,” he said, “it is a gross distortion of Islam”.
And that’s the primary point for me – Al-Qaeda is not an Islamic cause, the current phase of “islamic terrorism” isn’t about islam at all, it’s just about terror. Anyone who thinks that these terrorist episodes are about religion really is a bloody moron – religion is (as always) the convenient talking-point to support the ’cause’.
But, if Islam didn’t exist, then there couldn’t be brainwashed vigilante militants on its extremes expounding terrorism under its guises.
OK, so the violence it would be about something else, but, it wouldn’t be about that religion.
No, it’d be back to the Catholic vs Protestant shite, or Christianity vs Everyone Else
Mmmmn ok to put up a mosque in a free thinking western country in a very sensitive place, try erecting a church anywhere in an Islamic country.
Errrrh, you been to Egypt, Syria or countless other ‘muslim’ countries recently Sezy? I think you’ll find that Churches and Mosques sidle up alongside one another with no problem whatsoever. Ignorance is not bliss honey, its the cause of all kinds of intolerance and misunderstandings. Get educated before commenting.
Why is it people who shout religious intolerance at others say it soooo nicely. “Muslim” countries where Islam is the main religion is a different thing to Islamic counties (or states) where nothing else is tolerated, for example in Saudia Arabia where openly practising Christianity is a crime. But in answer to your question I have been to Eygpt thanks. And yep there are churches there…. that’s historic. But churches that were already there and building new ones in the 21st Century are two different stories. Do you know how easy it is to put a new one up ? From an article I read it usually takes about 30 years to get permission, and all new churches need a decree from the president (mosques dont). Since 2006, Algeria requires every existing church to apply for a permit. Pakistan Christian services require a permit. Most ‘churches’ are in fact homes. Iran most Christians are forced to worship underground in home churches. Afganistan… no Christian churches. In Syria Christians are a respected minority, and there is religious freedom…. but as with other countries it’s illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, sorry in my ignorance I don’t know how many are prosecuted !
I don’t know if the two other people who have commented here are regular readers who just haven’t commented before (or, not that I’ve noticed anyway – and they give no website) or whether they are ‘professionals’ who trawl Google for posts on religious issues, just so they can ‘comment’?
Regular reader…. Commented before…. Allowed to have an opinion and don’t appreciate being called ignorant or intolerant.
Isn’t the point that we are a free thinking society and a democracy and as such there should be a mosque so long as the Hindus, christians, jews, Jehovas (spelt wrong) witnesses etc etc all have the same rights.
[Lyle – Small edits made for clarity (and my being a pedant)]