Failed Recall
Posted: Thu 26 August, 2010 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Old(er), Introspective, Thoughts 1 Comment »For once, I’ve got a situation where my memory is failing me. I wasn’t even aware of it ’til today, but now it’s driving me mad.
On Radio One this morning, Chris Moyles mentioned having been in Hanley, near Stoke-on-Trent. And I know I went for an interview there many moons ago. It’s just that I can’t remember the name of the place- which is odd, because I normally can remember these stupid useless details.
I know it was some kind of jazz bar/restaurant, but that’s it. I can’t remember much about it – something about the location, but not much.
It’s really bugging me. What’s worse is that I know it shouldn’t annoy me – it was something for half a day, back in what must’ve been 1993/94. I shouldn’t really even recall that I’d been there, so little does it matter.
But up there in my head, for whatever reason, it does matter. I’ll figure it out, I’m sure.
It’s your age dear 😉
Soon you’ll start thinking Radio 1 is too ‘young’ for you…