Posted: Sat 29 May, 2010 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: 1BEM, Own Business, People, Stupidity, Thoughts, Work-related |Leave a comment »You may recall that back in March 2009, the accountant I had for my company went bust. The basic summing-up of why he went bankrupt/insolvent (not sure if they’re the same or not, and don’t much care) can be listed as :
- Franchising isn’t a great idea – the fees he was paying to Tax Assist were huge
- If you’re in trouble like this, don’t take out other loans to shore up the business. It all comes back to bite you on the arse.
Yesterday I got the final official documents from The Insolvency Service, explaining that (as expected) they’d got absolutely sod-all from the cunt’s assets, so no-one who’d paid him fees in the run-up to tax-return time would get anything at all.
Even better, they’d managed to attach the asset-release summing up for a completely different person with the same surname, from two years previously. Oh whoops.
I’ve made them aware of it, but had no response currently. I’ll get nothing from my useless fuckstick bastard of an ex-accountant.
All told, not a great day.