
Every night, I go up to the chickens (AKA The Girls) and lock them up for the night. It’s a routine, and as such Hound now has it in her head. If I don’t do it, she gets very stressy, and won’t settle until all The Jobs are done.

Last night I was going to do some shopping, and had put Hound in the car. I then went up the garden to put The Girls to bed. Herself warned me at the time that I’d have to go back up there when we got home, because Hound hadn’t seen me go and do it.

Lo and behold, we got back at about ten PM, and Hound wouldn’t settle until I’d gone back up the garden. Any time I moved she’d dash off to the back door, and wait expectantly for me to go up and put The Girls to bed.

I still don’t quite know who’s in charge in our household – whether it’s Hound or Us. In her head we’re definitely both the pack leaders telling her what to do, and also the sheep who need to be told what to do…

One Comment on “Nagged”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    Anyone with hens and no automatic henhouse door closer could do with a Reminder Hound like that.

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