Back to the Status Quo

Regular readers will know that one of the reasons I left my job last year with [Council that shall not be named] was because they had called a halt to all development work while a big legal battle was fought about a reorganisation of councils in Norfolk.  As a result of that decision, there was no new work being done by the council, and I was sat on my arse doing fuck all. Admittedly, while being paid for it, but still, I was a bum on a seat.

At the time I’d suggested that it was better to work on new development stuff, make it really good, and end up with a product that the other councils wanted to use. That way it meant that [Council]’s IT department would keep their job, rather than being rationalised/redundant.  But no, that would’ve been ‘a waste of resources’, and I didn’t understand the politics of it all.

It’s been announced today that Norwich city council will become a unitary authority, and all the other Norfolk councils will remain as they were. So after a year’s waiting and fucking about, all the decisions have been left as “Oh well, it was worth a try”, and things are back to where they were a year ago.

What a total waste of time and money.

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