Looking Back, Looking Forward
Posted: Fri 1 January, 2010 Filed under: Animals, D4D™, Domestic, Thoughts Leave a comment »As is the tradition on years with a zero at the end, I’m taking this opportunity to look back over the last ten years.
It’s strange really – in some ways, the turn into 2000 seems like only yesterday, in others you count back and realise just how much has actually happened in that decade…
Ten years ago, I was up in Manchester, in a very different relationship, working on a contract at the Equal Opportunities Commission, living in a rented house in a grim bit of East Manchester, and beginning to realise I was nearly 30. (And as an aside, that must mean I’m heading towards 40 now. Fuck.) D4Dâ„¢ didn’t exist, wasn’t even a glint in the eye.
In the last ten years I’ve
- made friends
- lost friends
- written a shocking amount of rubbish here
- changed relationships (including a couple of very quiet intervening years)
- moved four times (New place in Manchester, Bracknell, Attleborough, Here)
- bought a house with Herself
- had more jobs and contracts than I care to think about
- seen the world change in many ways – not least through the impact of terrorism
- Closed a business
- Opened a new business
- Been utterly stuffed by a fuckstick accountant
- Inherited insane animals
- moved on
- stayed the same
I wonder what the next ten will bring? Lots more changes, I suspect.