Tiger Woods and Accenture

First of all I have to say that I really don’t give a tin shit about Tiger Woods, who he has (or hasn’t) shagged, or anything else about the situation. Not my business. Don’t know him, will never know him, don’t really care what he does with his life, wife, others, or anything else.

However, I did find it funny today that Accenture have decided that in light of his activities and revelations, Tiger Woods is no longer ‘the right representative’ for them.

For those who don’t know, Accenture used to be Arthur Andersen, a global outsourcing and consultancy company.

In my experience, consultancy companies come in all full of themselves and how great they are, fuck you up all over the place, charge extortionately for the privilege, and then screw off with the money, leaving a shitpile of fuckuppery behind them.

As such, I’d say that Tiger Woods right now is the perfect person to represent them…

2 Comments on “Tiger Woods and Accenture”

  1. NKV says:

    Oi!!! As a valued Accenture employee I take huge offence at your spurious statements. I am in fact great. Nay, actually I am brilliant.

  2. lyle says:

    Ah, so you’re the brilliant one in Accenture.

    Law of averages, and all that.

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