
This last week in London has been one of the more manic of the last couple of months.

Coupled with feeling rather rougher than the average badger’s arse due to a vile cold of snot-exploding proportions, I’ve ended up meeting up with friends on two out of the four nights – not that I’m complaining at all. In fact it’s been good fun, and I rather wish I could’ve done more of it during my time here.

On the Tuesday I met up with Lori, who I haven’t seen since the days of the Manchester blogmeets. (A disturbing five+ years ago, we realised) As a result, it was really good to catch up, put the world to rights, and generally talk and drink. Mind you, by the end of it my voice sounded like I should be working on an 0898 phone-sex line, it was that hoarse and rough. Very scary.

On Wednesday I met up with Sevitz (Or Svetzi, as he should be known) and Dragon. He’s another of the ones I’ve known online for years and always got on well with, so it was grand to meet up properly at last and properly put a face and voice to the name. (Mind you, think “Bottom-era Ade Edmondson”, and you’ve pretty much got Dragon in your mind – very odd, but absolutely no bad thing!) Having started off in the Concrete bar at the Hayward, we ended up eventually grabbing some food in the nearby Wagamama at about 11 before going our separate ways.

It’s been a really good week for being sociable – allbeit while also being an utterly crap week for both being a sneezing/coughing wreck, and all the crap about contracts etc. But it’s been enjoyable, re-connecting with old friends and connecting ‘in reality’ with others.

Who said the Internet’s anti-social, eh?

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