Body Scanning
Posted: Mon 19 October, 2009 Filed under: 1BEM, Media, Thoughts, Travel, Weirdness 2 Comments »In another breakthrough for idiocy, I see that the ‘see through’ scanner being tested at Manchester Airport has raised a problem that no-one appears to have thought of before now.
This scanner goes through clothes, and shows what has been termed (incorrectly) an ‘X-ray image’, which is more of an MRI body-scan, as I understand it. What it does is show (in black/white ‘ghost’ form) an image of the naked body.
And lo, they’ve suddenly thought “Oh shit, what happens when young people go through the scanner? It means we can see underage bodies…” so they’ve now stopped doing the scans on all under-18s.
Absolute brilliance – in all the hype, not one person in the media (or in the project itself) has said “Hang on, what about this scenario?”.
But no one ever does now. If I were in any position of authority, one of the most important people in my team would be the really picky fault-finder. Nowadays, whether it’s a new law or anything else, it’s rushed out and they wait until problems arise before trying to solve them. I suppose it’s to do with the ‘positive attitude’ thing, and that so many people like to be surrounded by yes-men.
Ah good, there’s one person left in the world who’d employ me then 😉