Intruder Alert

The other day, at about 5.30am, Hound started growling and barking. This is her ‘normal’ (in as much as anything Hound does ever being seen as normal) alarm behaviour, when something’s going on that she thinks we need to know about. It’s reserved for strange Bad Things happening.

In this case, all her attention was being paid to the front door, so I went and had a look.

It turned out to be daylight, coming through a tiny gap at the edge of the curtains that cover the front-door area  at night. Hound’s Alarm Bark was because of sunlight.

As soon as I moved the curtain, she looked at it in a bemused “Where’s the invader gone?” expression. And then went and laid down in her basket again, to go back to sleep.

Poxy fucking creature.

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