
Over the last couple of weeks (and for the next six or so) we’ve had lots of low-flying aircraft over the house, and it’s down to this – the Stanford Training Area (known locally as STANTA) has converted a portion of its land into an Afghan village for training soldiers and there’s a lopping great training exercise on at the moment.

In general I don’t mind too much about the aircraft etc. – although Hound has a real issue when they do the artillery fire, as it sounds like thunder, which sends her into a total tailspin – although on occasion I do get to the point (normally around 9,9.30 in the evening) when I think they might just be taking the piss a bit.

Still, it’s interesting to see what it’s being used for, and the way things have changed now, from the “Eastern European village” scenario for training to the “Afghan village/set-up”.

And it rather makes you wonder just how long the Armed Forces and/or Government  think the War on Drugs Oil Terror might actually go on for, doesn’t it?

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