Black and White

Last week I wrote about having new visitors to the house – including the two cats from up the road, who keep on coming in through the new cat flap. We’ve christened them both Bob (Ninja Bob and Scaredy Bob, to be exact – an explanation of these will follow at some point)

What we couldn’t work out at the time is how they get in to the house without Hound making a fuss. On a couple of occasions, we were sure they’d walked right past her. (and in one case, jumped over her, although that was on the way out of the house rather than coming in) She’s usually quite wary round Psycho Cat, but can be guaranteed to make a racket when new people come to the house – or when people slam car doors anywhere in the vicinity, including up to three doors down. So why wasn’t there any noise or fuss when the Bobs came in?

This morning, we found out why.

Hound just stands next to the Bobs, looks at them, and wags her tail. And I mean really wags, not just a little flicker- she’s happy to see them.

I’m sure it’s because they’re black and white, so the idiot twatting Hound just thinks they’re collies, like her – only smaller.

2 Comments on “Black and White”

  1. Matt says:

    Erm… isn’t everything black-and-white, to a dog?

  2. lyle says:

    No idea, to be honest. It’s always the thing that people say, but *shrug* – I don’t know how you’d prove it one way or the other.

    Besides, Psycho Cat is all-white (well, couple of ginger patches, but 95% white)

    It’s more interesting that – if you go with the theory Hound thinks the Bobs are little collies – that she knows her own colouration, which goes against most of the guff about “animals don’t have self-awareness or a self-image”…

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