
In my current job, I feel DiamondGeezer‘s pain about meetings at inopportune times.

Not today – thank the Lord – but in the last six months I’ve been involved in more pointless and dire meetings than I had in the previous two years. Total nightmare – I just don’t understand the need to have meetings about meetings about something that might be discussed in a meeting at some point.

Meetings at that level always just strike me as work-creation – and/or blame avoidance tactics, so anyone can point the finger and say “Well it wasn’t me who made the decision”.  I prefer a company that just sits down, has a think, makes the decisions, and sticks to them.

3 Comments on “Meetings”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    Mr BW is in the process of moving his company’s website from one company to another (the latter handle all their graphic design, excellently, and have recently expanded into webby stuff).

    He sent an email to the first company, with whom they have been out of contract since the end of last year, giving a three-week time-scale for the handover.

    That was last Thursday morning – they replied on Friday saying they’d have a meeting to decide if they could agree the timescale.

    Apparently they can’t fit the meeting in until April.

    Perhaps you can see why they’ve lsot hte business…

  2. lyle says:

    Yeah, that kind of thing sounds pretty familiar.

  3. And the usefulness of a meeting is usually in inverse proportion to its length. That’s my experience today, anyway.

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