Cat Shaving

Today’s the day of the annual cat-shaving farce.

As per last year’s comedy, I suspect he’s going to come back looking like a poodle – and well-deserved it is too.

The entire thing is caused by his long hair. Once spring comes, the winter fur starts to come out to be replaced with the shorter summer fur – but it all gets badly tangled up into existing fur, and he ends up simply disgusting, with clumps and matted fur, almost like dreadlocks.

So off he goes to the vets for the day, to go under General Anaesthetic (the only way to safely do this job without getting bitten/scratched/assaulted) get shaved/trimmed, and then we’ll get back a significantly trimmed-down cat this evening. He’ll be in an utterly foul mood – more so than usual – and starving hungry due to not having had any food since midnight. He’s already been foul today – when he wants food and it’s not down, he just yells, and yells, and yells. That’s been from 5.30 this morning.

He knows something’s happening, but doesn’t quite know what. Well, he will now, as Herself will have delivered him to the vets for 9am.

Depending on the level of trim he receives, there will likely be photos tomorrow…

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