Bizarre Priorities

While I’m definitely not a member of the Jacqui Smith fan-club, I do find the hysteria about the expenses claim error (where the expenses included two porn films her husband had watched) to be more than a little bizarre.

Firstly, this error is about a mere £10. Not exactly an earth-shattering amount, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Secondly, the claim actually went through – this is all a storm about something that has already happened. I don’t understand why it isn’t about “Well why wasn’t the claim checked properly in the first place?“. At least that would be justified. After all, most HR/Payroll departments check expenses claims pretty thoroughly in my experience – so why isn’t it the same for MPs?

And finally, why are there calls for Smith to resign about this expenses claim – for only £10, don’t forget – when they’re not clamouring for it over the other £116,000 that’s in doubt on other expenses claims she’s made?

It’s all just a bit bizarre…

2 Comments on “Bizarre Priorities”

  1. Gert says:

    Because her husband has been found out to be the one and only person in the entire country who watches porn films (with an 18, not R, certificate), thus explaining to *everybody else* the reason for the existence of so many PPV porn channels.

  2. Blue Witch says:

    I thin the sad thing is that, with a broadband conection, he didn’t know where to find it for free… Presumably he’s never had to learn to be thrifty, becuase the tax-payer provides.

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