The film wishlist
Posted: Tue 6 January, 2009 Filed under: Geeky Leave a comment »Currently, 2009 is looking like it’ll have a fair number of films that I want to see. At the moment, the list looks like this (in no particular order, except how I remember them) with links to the trailer sites:
- The Wrestler
- Terminator:Salvation
- Transformers 2:Revenge of the Fallen (no trailer as yet)
- Nine (or 9, if you prefer)
- Knowing
- Watchmen
- X-Men Origins : Wolverine
- The International (and wouldn’t Clive Owen make for an interesting Doctor Who at some point?)
- Let The Right One In (although I’m a bit dubious on this one, the book’s good but weird, so I’m not convinced on the film yet)
Yes, there’s some right rubbish in there (Transformers 2 and Wolverine, as examples) but well, I’m not proud, I know I’ve got ropy taste in films sometimes. Sometimes though I just want brainless entertainment rather than high-brow intellectual matter.
There are countless numbers I don’t want to see as well (Angels and Demons, I’m looking at you here), but I can’t be arsed to list those.
Mind you, it’s also interesting to compare it with the list of the films Hollywood hope you’ll be watching to make them a profit…