The ’09 Photography Project
Posted: Fri 2 January, 2009 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Depression, Own Business, Photography, Thoughts, Work-related |Leave a comment »As well as the plan to do more “proper” writing in 2009, I’m also planning to make a change to my photography site.
With the NCFE course, I’ve started taking more photos – which was one of the main goals of starting the course – and it’s provided me with some motivation. And while the course is still ongoing, I’m also going to be aiming to put at least one new photo per week up on the photography site as well.
Now I know that “one photo per week” doesn’t sound like much – but right now I’d rather have quality than quantity, and have one decent photo per week than five or six ropy ones I’m not entirely happy with if I were doing a “one photo per day” project. I’ve got the greatest respect for the Project365 people who do undertake that challenge, but with the amount of things I’m currently doing, for me it just wouldn’t be practical. Besides, I know that as I got further behind on a “photo per day” project, I’d get more and more demotivated. (which may or may not be grammatical, but you get the idea)
The aim with a “photo per week” is just to keep on going, keep on going out and taking photos, with the aim of putting them up on the site. Of course, I’ve got to add in a couple of bits of code on the site in order to handle it, but that’s what Christmas/New Year is for, right?