The Girls

When it snowed last weekend, I finally got round to taking photos of our hens. It’s taken a year, but I knew I’d get there in the end…




And that’s the girls.

3 Comments on “The Girls”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    I can’t remember what breed Elsie is – she looks like a Speckeldey or some sort of Maran except for the fact she has quite fluffy legs? She is very beautiful.

  2. Lyle says:

    To my knowledge Elsie is a Speckledy. As for fluffy legs, bear in mind that they were all in 2-3 inches of snow at the time…

  3. Andy says:

    Dint know you kept Hens, but good on ya! I’d love to have a small holding, instead I make do with a back yard to grow things in pots. Don’t think the neighbours would be too happy bout me having animals bar the pup running loose.

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