
One thing that’s been interesting so far in this NCFE Photography course I’m doing is that it sets weekly photographic projects or assignments that need to be completed. If nothing else, it means I’m getting out more with the camera – and that’s really what I needed.

The assignments aren’t hugely complicated (so far) but they at least make you think a bit more about photos, what will work, what won’t, and what will fulfil the requirement.

This week it’s been around taking a series of shots of the same subject, but at different shutter speeds and apertures. Now, I know how that all works, and what the results will be, but it’s still something that’s of interest – and even meant that this morning I had the tripod out, as one of the shots is a full one second exposure, which is impossible to take hand-held without insane levels of blurring.

Having seen the cameras of the other people on the course, there’s only myself and one other with a full DSLR, so most of the conversation on Tuesday was around how to get the other people’s digital compacts to do the same things – and I must admit that I was quite surprised by the percentage of the people there who just shoot on auto all the time. I suppose I shouldn’t be, but well, I was. Hey Ho.

Still, it’s going OK so far, and like I said – at least it’s getting me out more with the camera. And that’s definitely a good thing.

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