Changing Tracks

In a couple of weeks time, I’ll be changing tracks again, allbeit only slightly on this occasion.

Basically, I’ll be starting a new job, only it’s a permanent role (at least in title) rather than being a contract. In some ways it’s a bit of a retrograde step, and not least because of the position/work I’ll actually be doing. However it’s something that makes sense in the short-term – by which I mean the next six months or so.

You see, with the various bits of guff going on about “credit crunch” etc., I’m highly aware that we’ve got a mortgage renewal coming up in March ’09, and it’s likely to make things awkward at that time if I’m employed by my own limited company, which by that time won’t have even filed a return to Companies House. In that context, it’ll be infinitely better to have a “proper” employer, and to have been there for a while before we even get to the contract renewal point.

At the same time, I’m going to be keeping the limited company going, and doing as much work as I can through that. I’m even getting the clause deleted from the contract about “can’t have any employment other than us” with the new place, so it won’t be an issue.

It’s not ideal – I’d much rather stay with what I’m doing now – although at least this new role contains plenty of challenges and extra development stuff that’ll stand me in good stead for the future. And it’ll definitely be weird to return to the world of “proper” jobs again, even if only for a while…

2 Comments on “Changing Tracks”

  1. chris says:

    Good luck !!

  2. Gordon says:

    Probably a good thing as you say. We’ve just (switches over today!) finished our re-mortgage that has us fixed for the next 4 years, hopefully by that time things will have gotten back to something approaching normal.

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