Visitors and Tracking
Posted: Sun 3 August, 2008 Filed under: Customer Services, D4D™ Leave a comment »It suddenly occurred to me the other day that I hadn’t actually looked at the mybloglog stats in ages. Strange really – hits and visitors used to be something that really interested me, but over the last year or so I just haven’t been looking.
So it was a bit of a surprise when I looked on MyBlogLog to see that
- It had been bought up by Ya-bleedin’-Hoo
- It no longer appeared to be tracking site visitors at all
As a result, I’ve sacked off the MyBlogLog stuff – why not, as it wasn’t doing what I wanted it to anyway – and installed Google Analytics again instead.
It means you might see me blathering a bit about site visitors etc. again before long – but don’t hold your breath.