Yet more organisation
Posted: Sun 6 July, 2008 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Work-related |1 Comment »Due to grungy weather (or at least fitfully grungy) it’s been another fairly quiet weekend chez Lyle. However, it has meant we could get various odds and sods organised and/or planned.
Among other things, that’s included
- Amending some bits on my company site – I hadn’t been happy with how they were, so decided in the end to just rewrite them
- Sorted out all the current receipts, invoices, and late payments for the company, so I’m as up to date as possible on that score
- Updated the Google and Yahoo sitemap files for the company site, the photography site, and a couple of client sites that were having issues
- Planned what we want to do with the big chicken run, and what we need to buy
- Planned out the ideas for another garden section as well
- Planted some more small stuff in the garden, thus making a bit more room in the greenhouse
- Weeded out some more of the veg patch, getting rid of some of the smaller shit between the rows of potatoes etc.
- Sorted out more pots for stuff that’s still up in the greenhouse
- Contemplated methods of murdering the dog, who has been an utter pain in the arse while we’ve been in the garden
- Cleaned out the chickens, and given them a coating of delousing powder, just in case
So yes, another quiet weekend. Cough
you being organized whats going on here