English Test

The BBC has a 20-questions test on English (with Maths next week)

I got 20 out of 20. But then I’m

  1. Incredibly sad
  2. At least vaguely literate

How about you?

6 Comments on “English Test”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    How many do you think? 😉 It wasn’t even difficult!!!

    “David Beckham is my idol/idle.”
    At least the person who made the quiz up has a sense of humour 🙂

  2. Aaron says:

    Says the person who misspelled ‘hostile’ a couple of posts back.

  3. Lyle says:

    Mis-typed rather than mis-spelled, I would say.

    However, in my defence I did say “b) at least vaguely literate”. 😀

    And it’s fixed now.

  4. mike says:

    19/20. “Accommodation” is one of my blind spots.

  5. Bagpuss says:

    20/20. I too am sad. But this is very easy.
    The Gruniad had a moths test lest week – they made an error in one of the questions (printed 20 instead of 520) and failed to give the correct answer to the question they actually asked, in the corrections column. How cruel is that?

  6. Bagpuss says:

    Maths test, even

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