
Back to work again today, for ’tis Monday.

Thankfully, the vile lurgie from last week seems to have cleared up, and left me with just a bit of a cough and what felt like a heavy cold over the weekend – although even that seems to have eased off a fair bit for today.

Herself had insisted on making a doctor’s appointment for me on Friday (to see them today) but I’ve been able to cancel that as it looks like I’m going to be OK. On Friday there’d been the potential for it to have turned out as a chest infection thing, but that seems to have been fought off on Friday/Saturday, so no need to go and see the quack.

Mind you, it now looks like the other two people in the office have also collected a dose of the same thing, so it still sounds like a plague ward during work hours. Still, could be worse – I could still be coughing my lungs out on every third breath, like I was on Friday…

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