Thundrous and Orbital

Last night, we got woken up by Hound at about half three. She was totally orbital and pretty distressed although initially we couldn’t work out why. Usually she’s only like that when she’s been ill, and puked in the house. And she was certainly stinking – although that was (I figured out later) just her frightened/terrified smell – when she’s in that state, she gets evil farts, and they pollute the entire atmosphere of the house.

Anyway, I let her out into the garden just to let her vent out whatever was bugging her – and that was a mistake. Because the actual reason she was orbital was because there was a thunderstorm coming. Cue Hound barking insanely at the sky until she eventually came back in.

And at that point we still had to deal with a Hound in orbit. She eventually calmed down a bit, and came to lie under the bed (along with trying to burrow her way through the wall) but for the first half hour or so she was just mental.

I don’t think we’re ever going to break her out of her terror of thunderstorms. We might be able to lessen it a bit over time – although personally I doubt even that – so we’ll end up just figuring ways of managing her during the storms. When we bought a new bed last year we looked completely mad by checking whether there’d be enough room for Hound to creep under it – but there was a reason for doing so, as last night showed. Now we just need to figure out how to make sure she doesn’t do the burrowing-through-the-wall thing while she’s under there…

Mind you, the storm was fantastic – not that Hound thought so, of course.

2 Comments on “Thundrous and Orbital”

  1. Not sure if it is available on your side of the ocean, but Acepromazine, as prescribed by a veterinary surgeon is very effective if given an hour or so before a thunderstorm. It is a tranquilizer that is metabolized, so there is little chance of liver damage.
    We used it for years on our beagacollie, named Holly. She used to tremble so bad during thunderstorms that her teeth chattered!

  2. Skytower says:

    The “storm” here lasted about half a minute. That is to say, at around 5.30am, there was one crack of thunder (which caused me to wonder what the fuck was happening) which rumbled on for some thirty seconds. And that was it. No lightning, nothing else. Bizarre.

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