Summer Of ‘Fun’
Posted: Tue 13 May, 2008 Filed under: Cynicism, Domestic 3 Comments »Oh dear god, it’s one of those years (also known as “Leap Years”) again this summer.
All through the summer, the TV is going to be filled with Euro 2008 football, (despite there not being any part of the United Kingdom that’s got through to the final competition, it’s still going to dominate both BBC and ITV while it’s on) then the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and at the same time the eighth ninth series of Big Brother on Channel 4. Whoopee-doo.
I guess I’m going to be either doing a lot of writing, and/or watching DVDs instead…
[Edited : Bloody BBC story about Big Brother got it wrong, and claimed the ’07 series was the seventh, when in fact it was the eighth. They’ve changed it now, but all the same, oops.
I have a posh TV, mine has an off switch.
Mind you I’ll be watching footie and Olympics and will no doubt dip in and out of BB as usual so… ummm.. yeah… I’ll shut up now.
Hence “I’m going to be doing a lot of writing” – i.e. with the TV off.
I just find it amazing/depressing that TV companies simply assume everyone is likely to be watching sport and/or BB during the summer.
And I didn’t even mention fucking Wimbledon…
Err…ninth season of BB…