
Last week, we decided to get someone in to do the mowing of the grass in our garden. It’s something I’ve been doing, but it takes up a large amount of time on a weekend when we could be doing other things – sorting out the veg patch, for example. The entire garden is something like 8,000ft² (roughly 165′ x 65′, which is just over 10,000ft², but there’s other stuff in there than just grass, so I reckon it comes down to about 8,000ft²)

So we got a guy round on Friday to have a look, and he quoted us £30 to do the entire thing – mow it, strim the edges, and clear it all up. Not bad at all – yes sure, we could get someone cheaper (as Lionel pointed out elsewhere) but for the moment we’ll see how we do with this guy.

He turned up yesterday when we were both out, so I came home to a fully mowed garden. And he’s done a fantastic job – everything’s been done, the mowing, the strimming – even the dog toys were tidied away, (with the exception of one tennis ball that died – hardly a worry) and all the clippings plonked into our compost bins.

All in all, £30 well spent, in my opinion. Although we may need to buy a couple more compost bins before long.

5 Comments on “Mowing”

  1. Hiya, I’m moving down to Attleborough in 2 months to work. Since you’ve been to the area, I was wondering if you could recommend any nice areas to live? I’ve taken a look at this link so I would appreciate it if you could help. Thanks! Chantelle

  2. Lionel says:

    What curious possible spam you attract!

    Anyway, I wasn’t suggesting that you could get someone cheaper. I was just chipping in to the chat with Mr Snowgoon to say that the cost depends on acreage – my more modest plot being somewhat cheaper than yours.

  3. Lyle says:

    Yeah, I’m still intrigued about whether it’s spam or not. Most odd.

    And fair enough, re cheaper vs. smaller – I stand corrected!

  4. Blue Witch says:

    Compost bins made from tannelised timber (or a few old pallets) would be a better idea than bought ones given the size of your plot… We have 3 which work well. 4 would be even better.

    If you’ve got that cuttings from that much grass going in, do mix in plenty of shredded paper and old egg boxes/ cardboard loo roll and kitchen roll tubes (not squashed) for air, as well as all the other stuff from a large garden.

  5. woman says:

    Wow, £30 for all that? I pay £30 for a postage stamp at the front of the house, and one of those special edition postage stamps at the back (slightly larger). That’s just to mow the lawn. I think you bagged yourself a huge bargain there.

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