Lowered Resistance
Posted: Fri 16 May, 2008 Filed under: Domestic, Health 3 Comments »Following on from the dread puking lurgie a couple of weeks back, I suspect that my resistance to illness has fallen somewhat. I’m not completely sure why, but it sure seems to have happened.
This week I’ve been plagued by a sore throat and cough that just keeps getting worse. It’s not rib-rattling (yet) but I’ve also seen the effect it’s had on a colleague (who I suspect I’ve caught it through – the joys of working in an office that sometimes seems to resemble a plague-ward on a bad day) who is most definitely on the rib-rattling stage.
I’ll see how it goes over the weekend – I’m not debilitated by the cough (at the moment) although it’s making sleep rough. (Not helped by the fact that Psycho Cat followed me into the spare bedroom last night, and still spent the night wrapped round my feet.) Not much fun, but there we go.
And once I’ve knocked this one on the head, I suspect I’ll be making sure I take all my vitamins, and make sure that Vitamin C in particular is kept a bit higher than usual, just to build up some resistance to these things again.
May be of use, in moderation. Onion, garlic, scallions and the like. Fresh air in the house.
Looking back, I wonder, how did we mnage before central heating, double glazing and vitamin tablets? Before the supermarkets took over, we were fortunate enough to live off the vegetables produced from the Auld mans efforts on his allotment.
Beef was a Sunday luxury, fruit was seasonal. Eggs, butter and bacon weren’t fatal. It’s amazing how we survived without Tesco & Asda.
Andrew Black died 24 years old from vcjd. Please have a look at this web site.
ive felt crap all week, got about feeling normal now tho