Posted: Tue 29 April, 2008 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Customer Services, Own Business, Work-related |2 Comments »Hello, is that Lyle?
Hi, It’s [x] from [y] Recruitment. I’ve got this position that I thought you might like, it’s a six month contract that needs a lot of knowledge about PHP development in a LAMP environment, paying around £35 per hour. Would you be interested?
OK, I’ll send you forward for it.
OK, no worries.
By the way, is Glasgow an OK location for you?
Um, no, not really. I’m based in Norfolk. It could be done, but it would be difficult…
You’d think that by now agencies would know enough to at least look at locations (and/or discuss them) first, wouldn’t you.
No not really, you won’t get far as a recruitment consultant if you start caring about whether people will ever be able to see their homes or anything namby pamby like that. I once got a bloke to move 300 miles to do a permie job for me and then had to come up with a cock and bull story of how it would harm his future prospects when he wanted to leave before the clients refund period was over – he decided to stay on even though he was depressed and lonely in a crap job miles from home. This bloke was hoping you’d be as much of a muppet as he was – and let’s face it ripping his arm off for £35 an hour rather smacks of desperation; except when trying to boast about it on your blog when it smacks of very poor taste.
Not sure I get what you mean about “ripping his arm off for £35 an hour”, evil, particularly as “smacking of desperation”.
And I’m not boasting about it on here, I just found it amusing/bemusing.
However, seeing your point of view on this sure helps in explaining why so many recruiters are the way they are.