Posted: Sun 27 April, 2008 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Charm School, Thoughts, Work-related |Leave a comment »So yes, the interview on Friday went (I think) pretty well. Personally I don’t think I’ve got some of the relevant experience for the job (it involves a lot of project management and recruitment guff) but i gave it my best shot, and at the end of the day, that’s what counts.
It also involved giving a presentation first, which I hate. It’s not that I’m bad at them – according to feedback, I’m actually pretty good at them – I just don’t like standing up and giving a presentation, particularly to people I don’t know and have never met before. To me, they’re ust something I have to do, simple as that- and that’s the attitude I’d also have to them if I had to do them as part of a role. Mind you, it might be a bit easier if I actually planned them, as opposed to pretty much winging it. Yes, I know roughly what I’m going to say, and the rough order in which I’ll say it – but that’s as far as I go. I prefer to talk to people, not read from cue-cards or scripts.
So as far as I can tell, it all went OK. I doubt I’ve got the job, but that’s through holes in the skill-set, rather than bad interview.
I’ll find out more on Tuesday – all told they interviewed eight people in the one day, and a decision will have been made by Tuesday.