Posted: Thu 31 January, 2008 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Customer Services, Cynicism, Domestic, Own Business, Work-related |1 Comment »Having filled in my Tax Return a few weeks back, I got a letter from HMCE this morning. Happily, it’s initial proof that I was right in a couple of assumptions/beliefs.
I bloody knew that Parasol were costing me too much money, and that I wasn’t getting paid the correct amount. I’d asked them about it several times, but they insisted I didn’t know what I was talking about, and that of course they were correct in what they were doing.
The initial letter from the taxman confirms I was right – I’ve overpaid nearly £2,000 in the 2006/7 tax year. I don’t know yet how they’re going to plan on paying it back, but I’m looking forward to the day it happens.
Mind you, I’d rather have received that missing £150 per month, rather than paying it to the fucking Inland Revenue for them to pay it back to me without any interest accruing on it…
You’re fortunate. When I was using an umbrella service, they cocked up the taxation & left me with a £2.3K tax bill – very handy when you’ve then had 7 months out of work, had no money left whatsoever & had to take a job for a poxy £14K just to have some money to eat. Still paying the loan off 5 years later.
The twunts in question were Giant. Avoid them like syphilis.