Moving Rooms Around
Posted: Fri 11 January, 2008 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Own Business, Work-related |Leave a comment »Last weekend we started doing some rearranging of the house – with both Herself and I working from home for large blocks of time, the room we’d set up as the office was working out to be too small (It’s meant that I generally have been working on the laptop while sitting in the living room, rather than on the main PC in the office) so we’ve swapped round the spare bedroom and office. It also meant we needed to change the bed itself, so during this week we’ve had a new futon sofabed for the bedroom and the new desk (the one we ordered from Staples a month ago) delivered, so this week we get to finalise the office setup.
The office is/was already set up for the most part, but now with the second desk it’ll mean we can both have a decent working environment again – in fact, it’s almost back to how we were when we were in Bracknell. Over the weekend I’ll move the main PC over to the new desk as well, and get everything set up and cabled.
The new futon bed also needs to be assembled and set up, and that’s another thing that’ll be done this weekend. All the bookcases have already been shifted about, so we’re on the final straight and things are good. Even better, it’ll be another job off the list.