8 days to go

Bah HumbugIn eight days, the Festering Season will be upon us in all its “glory”. In nine, it’ll be all over.

All around us in the village, people have been decorating their houses with lights, icicles, glowing bloody santas, and all sorts of tat. In fairness, there are a couple of places that actually look pretty good (including one I’ve nicknamed “The gingerbread house” – all the lights seem to be aimed at that kind of theme) but they’re far outweighed by the ones that just look utterly naff and tacky.

At some point this week, I plan to go off on a small tour and get some photos of the abhorrences, just for future delectation. There’s one in particular that just leaves me shaking my head every time I go past – and not in a good or admiring way. Although I suppose it does serve its purpose of making Christmas more religious, because each time I see the place, I find myself saying “Jesus Fucking Christ”. Ahem.

Still, I find myself wondering why people do it, in much the same way I wonder why some people wear the outfits they do. It’s that “Do they really think that looks good/cool/classy?” thought again.

OK, I’m distinctly Scroogian at the best of times, but house decorations leave me completely befuddled – I just don’t understand the motivation for covering one’s house in manky faux-neon flashing tat.

Bah Humbug, indeed.

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