Workweek changes

This week there’ve been some changes at work – none bad, thankfully, and in fact it currently looks like things may even work out for the best for me.

In my “normal” work contract, they’ve changed things around so that I’m only working there for four days a week instead of five, which will also allow me to do some more of my own stuff.

The reduction in days is a good one in a lot of ways. Not just for being able to do my own bits, but also on a financial scale. At the moment, the five days takes me well into the 40% tax bracket, so reducing that should drop me down to the “normal” tax bracket instead – which means that in a bizarre paradox, I may actually end up with more money paid to me, despite doing one day a week less. If there’s a logic there, it’s beyond me.

But it also gives me the opportunity to take up some new stuff, and some more interesting bits and projects. I’ve already discussed a couple of ideas and projects, and there’s still some other interesting bits coming up as well.

Looks like this development could be a good one. Time will tell, but I’m optimistic.

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