Posted: Thu 16 August, 2007 Filed under: 1BEM, Cynicism, Weirdness 3 Comments »This morning, I opened up my email to discover over a thousand returned emails to my business domain name. Ah, not good.
Turns out, some darling spammer had decided to use my domain name as the ‘from’ address. It’s not the first time it’s happened (although that one was from the old D4D™ email address) and they’ve all been deleted now – along with a change to the server settings to stop me seeing them again – but there’s very little else I can do about it, unfortunately. It’s just one of those things.
Mind you, the bit that did amuse me was that I also received one of those spam emails to my normal email address.
Yeah, exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday, over 500 until I just turned off the affected inboxes for a while.
Bloody spammers.
Happens to me all the time.
If you’re employing a catch-all rule to pick up emails sent to all addresses at your domain, you might want to consider switching it off. A lot of these spams are from randomly generated names (that is: [random] @ [yourdomain]). So if you just stick to a few predefined addresses, and bounce the rest, you shouldn’t have to deal with so much junk.
Like I said, “A change to the server settings” 🙂