Email signoff

Over the last couple of years, I’ve developed a little habit with email signoffs – and I don’t know if it’s annoying, or just something idiosyncratic that only I do. I’ve certainly never come across anyone else who does it, anyway.

Basically, it comes down to the fact that I sign off most of my emails – well, the ones that aren’t going to clients and/or agencies, anyway – with just “Me.”. After all, the email already says at the top who it’s from, so why repeat it?

Thinking about it, I do the same most of the time with text messages, too.

So – is it annoying? Or is it just another way of identifying that I wrote it, and thus much the same as any other form of email signoff/signature? I’ve not found anyone else in any of the places I’ve worked who does the same thing, so it’s a fairly distinctive signoff. Does anyone else know anyone who signs off mails in the same way?

One Comment on “Email signoff”

  1. Gordon says:

    You are not the only person I know that signs off with “Me”. Two other frequent email correspondents of mine do the same. But I’ve usually stopped actively reading by that point so it makes no difference to me. As you say, I know I’m reading an email from “Lyle” so once the main content is finished, I stop reading (actively, did I say that?)

    I usually sign off with “G”, or nothing at all, or my full name. Depends on the recipient and tone of the email.

    I never ever sign off text messages. Not sure why I differentiate that way but there it is… maybe I need to stop signing off emails too.

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