Butt Monkey

One thing I forgot to mention while whittling on about our current garden set up is the sheer number of water butts we’ve now got scattered about the place.

Near the house we’ve currently got two 100L water butts connected to the garage on one side, and a 750L butt on the other side. All these are currently full, and we’ve another 100L one on order at the moment.

Down at the other end, by the greenhouse, we’ve got another four standard 200L water butts – again, all full.

All told, that makes 1,750 litres of rainwater that we’ve currently got stored. I make that 385 gallons of water. I think we might be OK in a drought – not that one’s going to happen this year…

Mind you, I still don’t see the point in water butts shaped like tree stumps and the like.

2 Comments on “Butt Monkey”

  1. Richard says:

    Initially that seems like a huge amount of water. However, I was reading recently that the average person now uses 160 litres of water a day. So, with 1,750 litres at your disposal, that’s only the equivalent of 11 day’s usage for one person.

  2. Pete says:

    Lyle, you have one huge butt.

    (and half a dozen smaller ones)

    (sorry, it had to be done).

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