Reading Speed

Sometimes my reading speed worries me a bit. But before I go on, I’m just going to get one thing out in the open – I’m a sad sod, have no life whatsoever, and need to get out more.

The reason for this admission, and linking it to reading speed? Well, on Saturday I got the final Harry Potter novel delivered – the joys of pre-orders on Amazon. Not that I’d ever queue in order to get the book – I’m not that sad, for chuff’s sake. But yeah, I’d pre-ordered it from Amazon, so it arrived on Saturday about 11am.

And by Sunday evening I’d finished it. Not that I’d sat and read it at the expense of all else, or anything like that. I think it took me about 3.5 – 4 hours of reading time all told.

I’m not claiming to be any kind of world-class speed-reader or anything. But all the same, I figure that getting through a 600-odd page wodge of book in that kind of time isn’t too shabby.

And the book itself? Yeah, it’s OK. Not great, but OK. If you’ve read the others, it’s more of the same, but at least it comes to an end. If you haven’t read the others, you won’t want to read this one either.

2 Comments on “Reading Speed”

  1. Gordon says:

    Yeah I’m a pretty quick reader as well. Louise started HP yesterday, spent most of afternoon on it, but I’m pretty sure if I pick it up tonight I’ll have caught up with her in no time.

    Mind you, it does depend on the book I’m reading. Sometimes the prose is more enjoyable than the story, but for HP books.. yeah… skim right through them.

  2. Jon says:

    I picked it up on Saturday morning and then spent half the weekend driving, so my reading opportunities were severely curtailed. I’d normally expect to get one of those done in 2 to 3 hours, but by the time I had to put it down as I needed to be up before the crack of dawn this morning I was still 100 pages from the end. Somebody has just died…

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