Making The Leap

Over the weekend we went to see a local framing store – yes, we’re going to put more of my photos on the walls of the new place – and while we were there, we started talking about whether he might be interested in stocking some of the photos I’ve done, in order to sell them to shop customers.

I’ve no idea whether we’ll make any progress – I guess that the odds of making a sale on one’s first attempt are fairly low, if I’m being realistic – or whether he’ll decide to give it a go or not. That’s something where only time will tell, really.

But for me the important thing is that I’ve now made that leap, and from here it really only gets easier. It’s something I’ve been talking about trying for a while (for which read “flummin’ ages”) but now I’ve actually started looking at whether I can sell some of my stuff.

There’s a long way to go yet, I know – but at least the first steps are now being taken. I’ve no idea whether I’ll be successful or not – I’d like to think it will, but reality tends to kick in at that point with a good healthy “Yeah, Right”. I’m going to try, though.

And like the man said, “Life’s too short to be filled with ‘I wish I’d….'”.

One Comment on “Making The Leap”

  1. It’s not “Speedy” (near the town hall) you spoke to, is it? If so, I’d discussed a similar proposition the best part of a year ago and as far as I know he’s still mulling it over. You’ll know if it is Speedy, btw, if your framing takes twice as long as he quoted you, but is of very high quality …

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