Smart vs. Stupid

I know, it’s so “do these in your first year of blogging” , but well, Skytower did it, so I thought “sod it”…

How smart are you?

And then I fucked up putting the image in on his place. Not once, but twice.


6 Comments on “Smart vs. Stupid”

  1. Skytower says:

    I don’t mind doing them occasionally, particularly in an attempt to prove a point. In this case, the point was “I’m not as clever as I think I am”…

  2. Matt says:

    I am 0.6% less smart than you, apparently.

  3. […] Lyle did this and I’m a sucker for memes – especially if they give me the chance to see how geniousish I am. […]

  4. QE says:

    I got 97.08%. The one I got wrong was probably about when famous US people died.

    Not quite sure how 25 questions requiring a little logic and more general knowledge is meant to be a measure of ‘smartness’ though.

  5. Richard says:

    I got 23/25 in this quiz, which suggests I’m smarter than 90% of the the people who probably all skim-read the test.

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