Repair and Replace
Posted: Wed 27 June, 2007 Filed under: Customer Services, Domestic, Geeky 1 Comment »Last weekend turned out to be a bit more expensive than expected.
During that time, we managed to (finally) sort out the room that is going to be the office for a while. (’til all else is done, then we get to upgrade/fit-out the garage into an office and workroom, which’ll probably end up being around this time next year) Walls painted, gloss paintwork done (and then walked in by the fucking cat) and floor tiles cleaned. Bookshelves, desk, and computer all installed.
And it was while we were putting the computer stuff back in that I discovered the expense bits. The wireless network card’s aerial was a) bent, and b) snapped off when I touched it. Oh bugger. And the receiver dongle for the cordless mouse was bent 90°, and (on testing) utterly buggered.
The wireless card wasn’t too bad to replace – £25, and job done. Installed fine, and not even the need to hunt down whatever the hell the password is for the wireless network. Disturbingly simple.
As for the mouse, I’ve replaced it with another cordless one, but this time not a rechargeable one. Supposedly two AA batteries will keep it going for six months, although I’ll believe that when I see it. I ended up ordering it on Monday from Amazon on express delivery (Yeah, I know, ‘sucker’) and it arrived yesterday. So could be worse.
In the meantime, well, a combination of using the laptop for most things, and a sad (and very geeky) level of knowledge when it comes to keyboard shortcuts in Windows made everything usable. Although when I say ‘usable’ I mean “I can do it on occasion, but if I had to do this all the time, I’d soon be swearing like a sailor”.
I thought that when I had to dome some work on Excel for a whole week without a mouse. I wasnt looking forward to it all.. however after a week of using just keyboards shortcuts I found them quicker and easier than using a mouse and have now moved towards using the shortcuts more than a mouse. (with Excel anyway)