@Media 2007
Posted: Tue 1 May, 2007 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: @Media2007, Own Business, Work-related |3 Comments »In just over a month, the 2007 @Media conference is going to be on.
And, thankfully, I’m going to be there. Happy day.
I haven’t yet worked out the timescales for going, and how it’ll all work out, and/or whether I stay in London overnight. That’s stuff for the next few days, I guess.
Whatever the decisions on that score, well, I’m still going to be at @Media. And that’s the important thing.
Alas I won’t, such is the problem with NOT working in Web field directly, lack of company willing to pay for me to go to said conference.
Unfortunately, two of my colleagues will also be going.
Ah well, can’t have everything. *grin*
Since I’m supposed to be going this year again, maybe we can catch up, since we didn’t manage last year? 🙂