Interview Results

As avid readers will recall, this time last week I was in the midst of doing three interviews in one day. At the time the results were

  1. Delusional. No bloody chance of me working for them. Ever.
  2. Interesting – very interesting
  3. Interesting, but I was lacking in certain dollops of experience to do with managing the hardware on huge websites

So one was absolutely out of the running, one would’ve needed me to go in at a lower level, and while it was interesting it wasn’t something that would’ve held me, and the last (well, the middle) one was of definite interest.
Which was a good thing, really, as I got confirmation today that they’ve asked me to do the work.
Even better, it’s part-time, only a couple of days a week, so I should be able to fit it in round my normal full-time work. Of course, that depends a little bit on the workload, and what they want me to do in the necessary time. I’ll be finding that out in the next few days.
But still, mission successful – and in many ways it’s a far better outcome than I was expecting, with regard to the hours, arrangements, and general stuff like that.

2 Comments on “Interview Results”

  1. Sezy says:

    So thats one full time job… one part time… evening and weekends spent doing diy/reconstruction (!). You do know there are only 24 hours in the day !!

  2. Lyle says:

    Yeah, and let’s not forget the other stuff that’s been discussed of late.

    There’s a post coming up tomorrow about the entire workload thing as well…

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