
Sometimes, you witness something and afterwards you’re just not sure about it. There’s at least two interpretations of the events, and you don’t know – and likely will never know which one (if either) is right.

This morning, I watched something about as close to lethal as humanly possible. At a junction, a woman on a bike sailed straight through the red light, and was (at most) a couple of inches from being hit full-on by a bus. It was only the reactions of the bus driver that stopped her from closely resembling stawberry jam. With bits in.

For me though, the really grim – or, more accurately, potentially really grim- part was that the woman wasn’t alone on her bike. Behind her seat was a child seat – occupied.

And if I’m honest, it’s that which has preyed on my mind all day. I don’t know – I’ll never know- whether she was trying to commit suicide (well, murder/suicide) through getting hit by the bus (or whatever else was coming through the lights at the time) – or whether she was just stupid, wasn’t concentrating on the road and lights, or what. It’s impossible to tell.

2 Comments on “Conclusions”

  1. Lionel says:

    She’s an East Anglian cyclist and therefore is stupid. Most of them seem to exhibit Disney lemmingesque urges in my experience.

  2. Skytower says:

    A lot of cyclists seem to think red lights don’t apply to them. Or, indeed, that they can happily ride two abreast so they can have conversions with their “mate”. Or, of course, that they can bounce on and off the pavement at will.

    Or maybe all this is normal. After all, I’ve never been a cyclist.

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