Changing Lanes

I know, I know, every time I rent a car, I end up having a rant about bad drivers.

And this time is no different, you’ll be pleased to know.

But for once it’s not about those tossers who sit in the middle lane and never fucking move.

No, in this case it’s all based around roadworks. Now I suspect the roadworks is something that most people could rant about – particularly the fact that you can go past entire sets of roadworks and not see one single bloody person is working, or even visible.

But what gets me – unsurprisingly – is certain people’s driving ability. Or lack of.

I just don’t understand the mind-set that comes up when one lane is closed – and signposted as such from a good two miles off – and people still drive right to where the lane is coned off before trying to pull in to the still-open lane. It screws up the traffic flow, and leads to those self-same tailbacks that they’ve just cruised past. Cunts. But of course, that’s not their problem, so long as they’ve managed to get past all the other drivers.

Mind you, it’s bloody funny when some smeghead scrote BMW driver who’s gone roaring past everyone is then blocked entry by all those same drivers…

4 Comments on “Changing Lanes”

  1. chris says:

    And why is it, that all the bad and rude drivers are always in a BMW. Also while Im here, why is it always when there is a car double parked, straddling 2 bays, parked in a drop off zone, parked in a disabled spot without a badge or in a parent and toddler spot without a child its a BMW.

  2. Lyle says:

    Let’s be honest – it’s just always a BMW-driver, isn’t it?

    Herself never used to believe me on this – then we had some long journey, and every single instance of fuck-poor driving was done by a BMW driver. After that she started agreeing…

  3. Gordon says:

    Ummm I hate to burst the bubble but I’m pretty sure that research has shown that WITHOUT those people who drive up to the start of the cones, the traffic queues would be even worse… wish I could find where I read it… might have been on tree-based media mind you.

    It’s similar to those ‘phantom’ spots that develop on a motorway, you see the brake lights coming on, everyone slows to a standstill then, for no reason, you all speed away. That’s just because 10 mins earlier somebody slammed their brakes on.. ripple effect.

    Ohh but yes. BMW drivers. Cunts.

  4. Pewari says:

    I’ve also heard that it’s better to use both lanes for as long as possible – it’s fairly logical, if you have two lanes of traffic being used then you can get double the amount of cars in the same space. So that BMW driver actually saved you a longer wait…

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