Bizarre Amnesia

At work, one of the passwords is a combination of eight random letters, both upper and lower case ( for example AbCDefGH ) – although it’s not that, obviously.

Within a week of coming here, I found I could remember the combination easily, without need to refer to anything, and that’s how things have progressed for the last five months.

Yesterday, I had to write an ‘idiots guide’ to the procedure that involves that password, and for some bizarre reason, I wrote down the wrong one. I’d mis-remembered it in a non-normal context.

But then could I recall the right one, even when it was back in the context of the procedure? Could I buggery.

For the first time in five months, I had to refer back to the original documentation (and find it, first) – all because I’d had to write it somewhere else. It utterly fuddled my brain. Most bizarre.

Oh, and today it’s back in my head just fine. Go figure.

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