Spam Blocking

Since installing WP2.1, there seemed to be some fairly major issues with the set-up I’d got to combat comment spam. This is a geeky post, and if you don’t care, don’t click on the more…

At the same time as the WP upgrade, I also upgraded both Bad Behavior (God I hate that spelling) and Spam Karma 2, as well as making sure that Akismet was running as usual. On the old WP install, this had been a fine combination, and didn’t cause any problems.

But now SK2 was blocking things that Akismet was passing, and vice versa. It was a pain in the arse.

So for now I’ve deactivated SK2 while leaving Akismet running – and keeping Bad Behavior running too. And things seem to have calmed down.

Of course, it could be that Akismet is still killing comments I’d rather it didn’t, and I aim to keep track of it over the next couple of weeks, but for now things seem to be back to normal.

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