
Note : This post is sickeningly immodest. Live with it
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Over the last couple of weeks, its been really noticeable the way the days are getting longer, and brighter again.

I’m no longer travelling to work in darkness, and when I leave the office to come home there’s still some light in the sky – and that’s only going to keep on improving over the next few months. I’m enjoying the daily commute more now, although sometimes it can be very distracting, being able to see outside, the fields, the woods, and the animals that populate them.

I particularly love seeing the unexpected – a flash of movement in the peripheral vision can become a fox or deer when I focus on it.

But really it’s just having more sunlight that lifts my mood, and makes me happier.

Not Getting It

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the way the government just doesn’t get the entire internet and chatroom thing. In this instance, the story about registered sex offenders having to provide details of their email addresses and ‘chatroom identities’ (no, I’m not making this up)

Anyone who’s actually used Internet Chat (whether it be MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, whatever) will know how easy it is to set up email addresses, profiles, IDs, the lot. God, if I think back a couple of years to when I haunted Yahoo chat, I had a couple of hundred IDs.

So it amuses me when they’re talking about registering ‘paedophile IDs’ – it’s so easy to set up another one, this really is either a) an attempt to say ‘look how on top of things we are’ or b) a proper display of knowing chuff-all about anything technological and/or internet based.

Or c) both. Which I guess is the most likely…

Comments and anti-spam

If anyone commented over the weekend here, and it hasn’t appeared yet on the relevant post, then you’ll probably need to re-do it.

Because, like a numpty, I went and clicked the wrong button, and deleted all the ‘spam’ comments I might’ve needed to double-check.

Ooops, sorry.

Health and Safety Signs

As I’ve written before, my current workplace has an unhealthy (and frankly ridiculous) obsession with health and safety, and particularly with regard to warning signs. They haven’t yet put ‘danger of electric shock’ on all the plug sockets, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

We’re not even allowed to use light switches. Instead, the office has automatic sensors, and if nothing’s moving near those sensors, the light goes out. So far, so green, and all well and good. It can be weird if you’re the only person in a section of the office, and the lights start going out all round you, but there we go, that’s the way it is.

However, the lights in the toilets also work like this. Which again isn’t so bad in general. It means the energy doesn’t get wasted, blah blah. But the sensors are quite a way inside the toilet room, by five or six paces. So you go in, the door closes, you walk forwards, and then the light goes on.

Perceptive readers may have seen the flaw here.

Today, the toilet floor had been mopped, and was slippy. So the cleaners put up a little sign to warn people the floor was wet – as per Health and Safety.

Only, because the light was off when I went in, and walked forwards, rather than slipping on a wet floor (which had dried off in the meantime) instead I tripped over the fucking warning sign, which I didn’t see before the light went on.

I haven’t yet decided whether to report this as a problem…

Mac vs PC

Charlie Brooker in blinding form (you may need to do a dumb free registration thing, I don’t knowCheers, Jann, for the reg-free link!) about Macs…

I hate Macs. I have always hated Macs. I hate people who use Macs. I even hate people who don’t use Macs but sometimes wish they did. Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui.

It’s all in regard to the new set of ads from Apple about PCs versus Macs starring Mitchell and Webb.

I like the ads, although I have to say, personally I’m not a fan of Macs. Maybe I should be, but I’m just not. My personal opinion is that they’re expensive, over-branded, over-iconified (it’s not a word, but bloody well should be) and a nightmare to upgrade.

Sorry, but I’ll stick with PCs for the moment, regardless of whether or not I supposedly should want a Mac.


About four or five months ago now, I bought up the domain I wanted for use as a portfolio for my photography. I did some basic development of it, then got distracted by other things.

And so it remained.

However, over the weekend just gone, I’ve finally got working on it again – and even better, it’s now got some photos on it! There’s still a way to go, and I need to re-do some of the styling and programming (well, that’s what the train journey to and from work is for, after all) but it’s one hell of a way further on the way to being a decent portfolio site than it was, say, three days ago.

Of course, once I’ve got everything sorted, I’ll add in a link here (and in the meantime there’s always a small selection on my ImageKind page) and hopefully be able to do some promotion and so on in that way too.